4 of the most valuable frameworks l have been using Obsidian

1) CODE - Stands for Collect,  Organise, Distill, Express Use to generate notes in a standard process Action: Read this https://summaries.com/blog/building-a-second-brain

2) PARA - Stands for Projects, Areas, Resources, Archives - Used to organise notes in Obsidian Action: read this https://fortelabs.com/blog/para/

3) Zettelkasten - Used to help you collect, organise, structure and categorise your notes to create new ideas Action: read this https://zenkit.com/en/blog/a-beginners-guide-to-the-zettelkasten-method/

4) GTD - Getting Things Done - Organise and manage your task and project notes. Action: read this https://todoist.com/productivity-methods/getting-things-done