5 iPad apps I use to work more effectively!

Even though the iPad Pro is a great piece of kit, it's the software that supports it that make this device great to use. Here is a list of apps I use on a regular basis. I believe if you start using these apps it will save you time and keep you organised.


This is an app that I use to manage my calendar and daily task list. I review it daily to check my plans throughout the day and review my task list.

The main features I use are:

  • Natural language parser which lets me type out event, time and location to be captured automatically
  • Integration with Reminders. Using Reminders means I can access my tasks from different iOS and Mac OS devices.
  • Integration with Google Calendars. Google Calendar allows me to connect with other people calendars as well as share it on different devices.
  • Integration with iOS Shortcuts. This allows mean speed up setting up tasks and calendar entries.

iA Writer

This is the app I use to write my blogs and publish to WordPress.

The main features I use are:

  • Focus mode which allows me to avoid distractions
  • Publishing to WordPress functionality to send my work to WordPress.


This is the app I use to captured notes and daily journaling using my Apple Pencil.

The main features I use are:

  • Importing PDF templates to edit on.
  • Storing notes in notebooks letting me group my notes together.


This is the app I have been using to learn and practice Python development on my iPad Pro.

The main features I use are:

  • Using templates to quickly develop code.
  • Plenty of examples to try out.


This is an app I have been using to automate tasks on my iOS. Examples include capturing ideas by voice and storing them into Fantastical. It also allowed me to create my own Pomodoro process with customised music playing and blocking calls.

The main features I use are:

  • Integration to Third Party apps as well Apples own software.
  • Connecting Shortcuts to Siri to execute Shortcuts verbally.

What other apps should I use on my iPad Pro. Leave a comment or tweet me.